Tuesday, September 29, 2015


I'm simply girl,Always like to be freely and like to be funny.Normally my friends calling  to me yasho.But my full name is Yashodha Prasadini Karunarathna.In school register and also in university  register my name represented as  M.R.Y.P.Karunarathna.But i mostly like my pet name

I don't know how i enter to tell about me.I also don't know about me well till now.but i always try to understand about me.i'm very different girl.i'm always proud about me.i'm not a rich girl,i'm not a beautiful girl,i'm not a more intelligent girl.but i'm never be worry.i always thinking positive about my life.i'm always satisfied about me.i have good dream about my future.Happiness is main valuable thing in my life.usually i want to be happy with others.

 i like to say happily.....my school is Sumana Balika vidyalaya in Rathnapura. Now also i so much love my school.I have wonderful memories in my school life.At that time also i have lot of friends.I like to be happy with them.I like to enjoy with them.Not only enjoy with them also for their every problems and every sadness i'm always be with them.

Normally i'm smile with every one.I'm every time chatting and smiling with my friends and also i'm crying with them for their sadness.normally i like to help others.it is big happiness to me.I like to see others happiness and others smile.

I'm not a very calm girl.but i'm thinking about my life and world deeply.Not always but i'm thinking about my feelings so much.I have big question about me.i want to know "who is i'm".i haven't good answer for it till now.

normally I'm too much respect to others.i don't like to hurt any one.I like to be happily with any society.I know different kind of people are in this world.People have lot of mistakes.so more mistakes and week points with me.i try to understand those week points and try to correct those mistakes.I want it.How ever i try to do it.some times i feel "am i crazy".I don't know answer for it.some time's you have answer for my question.

I'm a crazy and very sensitive funny girl and specially very different girl.But i can be very faithful friend to any body.I like to share my feelings and happiness with all my friends.so if you like share your feelings with me,i invite to you be with me forever as my very closely friend............