Saturday, November 14, 2015


Date was last Sunday. Very sunny and beautiful the morning I gather to ground with my two friends. Because our archi day was held on last called as snehaye sangramaya.last week end we had 3 day most of students went their students participation was become very law. Specially less girls were participated in this function. Our archi day was organized by architecture is main union function in our architecture union.

However nearly 9.00 a.m., we start our function very happily. First all the members who were participated at that day, they divided two major groups, red and blue. Every person in both of group have band for wear their left hand. I’m member of blue a first item of our function first hold kabadi match. Firstly from both sides enter very powerful two was very funnible event. However after the good attack, red team beat by the blue team and blue team won that game. After that game we faced another interesting group that game we should gather as a team and should hand over the water and should fill empty bottle from that was very funny game, and all are very actively participate for that group game for take a head their team more than other teams. But finally red team had that winning chance and second place had to blue team. Either win or fail everybody be too happy. Because everyone want to be away from this stress and they want to be happy always.

After that water filling group work. We had meals with cool was very tasty meal. Reason is we shared that short meals with every one happily. After the short break we participated Elle match which it was hold only for boys. But we watched that match and also we give big moral for our team. From that event red team won and after that had a game call ”andhayata kirikawima”.it was a couple event .every group had one boy and also one was some differences game more than usual game called “andhayata Kirikawima”.from that event won one of my friend.

When that game were finish time little by little closed to lunch time we took lunch and we gather again to the ground. Every minute we spend on ground at that day we talk with every one very happily and very friendly. Those friends are not same department, those are not all parallel to us. But they always take fun with the evening section hold “kotta pora” and also balloon dance. Those couple of games also make enjoyable feelings in every one’s heart.

After the all of games they gave presents for all winning persons. Not only had it they present very valuable and attractive memorable present for everyone who were come at that day for that enjoyable was most enjoyable function I faced in my life. Finally we sang songs and told good bye to that beautiful day and  for everyone who were enjoy with us at that day.

Transportation systems in developing countries

Transportation is a essential need in today. It has developed not among region to region  or district to district .It has developed up to  until the whole world become a global village. The main aspect of the transport is to move from one place to another. But with the passage of time with the growing needs of humans, people tend to move their goods. It is said that the beginning of transportation was firstly through foot and then on the back of the village can be considered as the beginning of the transportation system. According to the pre historic data that are available in Sri Lanka it is said the Prince Vijay who came from south India has used water transportation. And also there are myths about King Ravana and his vehicle which was similar to an aero plane. Somehow today Sri Lanka has become a developing country in south Asian region where the number of vehicles are increasing in day by day.

The industrial revolution which took place in England in 1870’s caused for born of engine vehicles .And also at that time England became the emperor of south Asian and African continental countries. Their main ambition was to collect the spices and row material in those countries and bought them to their mother countries. To make their task easy they built up roads and railway lines in those countries. That marked the beginning of transportation system in developing countries. The beginning they started has not stopped until today. Day by day the transport network in each country is becoming complex.

The best examples is Sri Lanka.There was a good road network coverage in Sri Lanka in the 20 th century also. But now a days addition to those road systems new southern high ways, Hambantota Harbor ,Mattala airport has raised up. Today Sri Lanka possessed a developed road system rather than other developing nations. The mode of travelling in these developing countries are Motor cycles, cars and public bus services. From the total population of a country about 70 % is travelling from public services. The oncoming trend is increasing the number of Motor cycles and cars in these areas. They depend on water transportation mainly to transport goods. The passenger services are also done by Air mode .But that can be bear by only the wealthy ones.

The development of transportation in these areas has caused number of troubles today .It has affect  not only to their country but also for the whole globe. The major problem is traffic congestion .And it has caused for depletion of ozone layer due to emit of more co2 to the environment .So it has cause to melt glacier layers,skin effects .And also Vehicle accidents has increased up.Therfore we should be more concentrate on the transport in these region for the secure of whole globe.


Wednesday, November 4, 2015

My Favorite Movie

My favorite movie is "siri parakum".That film is make by famous film producer Mr. somarathna disanayaka and Renuka balasooriya.Both of this directors did most of very attractive and very famous kids films special target for children. That movie make around the 2nd of king parakramabahu who was lived in dhabadheniya era.2nd king parakramabahu was lead the country at 13th century.specialy this film make around the king's child hood period. In the child hood he faced lot of bad and lot of good incidents. So those both of film producers target those incidents for their movie.

,"sangeetha","sarwaghgha" are some of source which written about the prince's child hood. Those sources are used for produce that film. But some sources are different from other source. But how ever people believe about that main story. King parakramabahu's child hood act by small actor Pramudhitha Udhayakumara,and after that him teen age is represent by sachin chathuranga and his younger age represented by Akila dhanudhdhara. Akila dhanudhdhara is famous film actor Jackson Anthony's elder son. His first film was Siri parakum.At king parakramabahu's child hood he called as "Appuwa". Villagers who are lives in that village, they don't know about Appuwa was prince of the country. So they called to that prince as "appuwa".he is main charachteor in the film. "kalu ethana","sirimal ethana","king wijayabahu","queen yonaka","Minister Pathiraja",Redhi nandha","gama rala","gama Hamine","kalunandhawa thero","sangaraja thero" are main supporting charachters in the film.

For that film specially they use very attractive natural background. Those natural backgrounds make very familiar and live feeling for people. When we see that film we feel ,really  we live in the village. And also we have idea for visit that natural places lively. most of people like that small boy who are act as "appuwa"he is very  playful  and cute boy. it has very beautiful songs. This film is very creative and valuable film for everyone. It gives lots of knowledge about the our history and specially this incident which is use for that movie. Specially most of school carried school children for show that film. Because this film give big knowledge for students.

In this story Queen yonaka want to kill that little prince and she ant to give king ship for her baby. so she did lot of cruel things for prince. But king wijayabahu don't know about her cruel ideas. So king believe her.she make bad destiny for the kingdom. But hoe ever minister pathiraja protect that prince very cleverly and secratly.and also this movie had very special character. it ias very little is little prince's best friend. That little prince finally become as king of the sri lanka.and ha mary with sirimal i think this film is very valuable and attractive film for all the srilankan people.

Tuesday, November 3, 2015


This is a Technical era. Normally people try to make comfortable and modern life. For that people want more money. In this era so many modern things usually introduce to the people try to buy those new items and they try to deal with new trend. And also they have several needs. But most of their salaries not enough for make their comfortable life. So most of families both of husband and wife try to go jobs.

Now most of families have very artificial and busy life style. Normally they wake up nearly 6.30 a.m. and they ready soon. Their children also practice for that system. They also ready alone. After that to their job places mostly by their own vehicles. Some parents drop their children to school, but some children move to the school from school vans or from public buses with alone.

With this busy life style normally all the family members in the family get their meals from hotel, canteen or food court. They adapted for fast foods. So they haven’t good and nutritious meals. They haven’t real time for take their main is not good for their life style and for their health. So they normally suffering from several illnesses, like gastritis, diabetic, cholesterol…etc. With their busy life style they haven’t time for get well exercises. Or think about their health. As a result people’s life except rate becomes law.

After the school time, most of children join with tuition classes. They always try to go head more than others. They always try to be a top of the class. So they take some short eats from cafes and they spend their time in tuition classes with friends till night. All the family members gather to home at night. Some time those people join with parties and some ceremonies at night. So more time they spend their time in outside from their houses without their family members. So always their children be away from parents and they try to live alone. So their relationships are badly destroyed from their busy lifestyle. They try to make relationships with Television, face books and with other social Medias. And also teenagers try to have love affairs with whomever close to them. Reason is they haven’t well care or love from their parents. Parents give more money for their children. But it is not love. They want protection from parents. And also no anyone to get advises. So they try to get advises from any one.  At that time they have had some wrong decision about their life. Finally they move to wrong ways and their future become dark with black patches. Finally parents also have sadness but they can’t rebuild those bad incidents. So every parents should be care about their children. Money is not only one happiness…. 

Monday, November 2, 2015


Personality is most valuable character for each and every person in the world. But we can’t see huge personality from each and every person in our society. my opinion is every body has personality but people don’t know about their own personalities. But every person has not same type of personality. It is change with a people. Personality is identity for every person. It is not only people’s appearance, not only people’s life style, walking style, talking style, or dressing style. But those qualities are can be parts of the personality.

We can see most famous huge personalities in the world. For example Mahatma Gandhi, Thomas Alva Edison, Abraham Lincoln, Mother Theresa….etc.But those peoples haven’t same characteristics. Those peoples are different from another major character. They have special identity about their life. We can get lot of motivations from their life. But not suitable to try for be a those persons. If we try to be a those person we can be a successful life. But we can’t make a new huge personality for us like those famous people.
We should make new personality. We should try to make good personality more than them. We can’t tell this person has good personality but that person has not good personality like vice. Because everybody has good personality. But it hidden inside of the person from different variations. When we deal with world every time we want good personality. If we haven’t good personality we become as a failure. Some times we do lot of mistakes in our life. But we should not worry about our mistakes. We can remake our mistakes and we can face for the future well more than fast. We have to face lot of difficulties in our life, some times it may be economics problems, some times it may be education problems, some times it may be family problem or social problem, some times we have feel, we are alone in this society, others are laughing to me others are excellent more than me. Normally we have feel like this negative ideas about us. Those are not good for our personality. We should remove other’s words and their behaviors. we should have good mind and ambition about our life. And we should work hardly for success our dream. Time management, well planning, self confidence, self motivation and positive thinking are most important keys for develop our own personality.

We can be a failure easily, but not easy for be a winner. For that we should work hardly. As a planner we should work with each and every position in society. If any body have good personality he or she have automatically respect and good level in the we also should try to make good personality.We should think about us,Have good personality for me....?

Friday, October 23, 2015

Galle fort field visit

We went Galle fort field visit on 15 th October 2015.we left from university nearly 8.00 a.m., and we arrived to the Galle nearly 10.00 a.m. First we went to see Jungle is too attractive place. At That place we could see all the galle fort is very beautiful Sean. We spent our time happily at that place. And after that we went to galle fort. At that day Sri Lanka vs West India test match is continued on galle national ground. After we went to the galle fort we have big task for observe our study areas.
Galle fort is very valuable place to is world heritage the galle fort we had a task to observed harbor area. Our special observe streets are Church Street, Queen Street, Baladaksha mawatha and Hospital Street. First we went around our study area and we got little idea about our area and those streets. After that we again observed those areas very well. We took some photo graphs and we tried to get some ideas from several peoples.

In our area we could see, it is very calm area. Reason is no residential areas in our study area. Lot of public places are there. In this area we could see large major building. Presently it use as a marine museum. But previously it use as a ware was built at Dutch paint colour is ‘samara’ colour. Previously it used for stored ivory, black sugar, cinnamon….etc. Middle part of the building we could see old entrance of the Galle fort. By that entrance we can enter the baladaksha mawatha and harbor area. This baladaksha mawatha is very calm and neat area more than other streets. Gall de Hall, Scout head office, public sports club, deputy harbor master’s office, Galle heritage side, and lot of administrative offices are located at that area. And also fish market and natural beach park also located at that side.

We could saw most of one store buildings at that area. And those all buildings painted by “samara” colour. For chogam conference government involved and removed all the unnecessary buildings and unnecessary constructions and they protected ancient value of those heritage buildings. For the chogam conference president use this baladaksha street for enter the galle fort.
After that we entered to the Hospital road, in there we could see Galle district court and, Dutch Hospital. Dutch hospital currently use as a shopping center.18th century it used as a ayurvedhic Dutch Hospital,19th century it used as a harbor master’s house and after that it used as a Galle kachcheriya. From 1948 it used as a Town hall.2014 it changed as a shopping complex. We talked with Archeological Department and galle heritage side. They gave lot of information about the area, regulations of galle fort and also about the activities and people,

From that observation I could understand ancient value of the galle is well planning town. But however little by little those heritage value will destroy in the future. As a planner we should observe plan of the galle fort. Reason is from that we can get more knowledge about it.

Saturday, October 17, 2015


Ratnapura is a located in sabaragamuwa province in Sri Lanka. Sabaragamuwa province has main two districts. Those are Ratnapura and kegalle.Rathnapura is capital district in sabaragamuwa is situated in wet zone. It is very famous for Gems. Ratnapura has two towns, new town and old town .lots of government places are located in Ratnapura new town. Ratnapura is very attractive place. And also very sacred area.

Ratnapura town is very famous for gem many foreigners come to Ratnapura for buy and observe about valuable gems. But problem is no more comfortable facilities to I think it is big threat to gem industry. Different kind of valuable gems are find from Ratnapura land area .as a example blue sapphire, Yellow sapphire, Amethyst, Pathmaraga……During the world historic period srilanka is world famous as a gem land. Gem mining is main work opportunity for Ratnapura people. Gems are too valuble.but it is not an easy has big threat. Ratnapura is famous not only for gems.ratnapura city has so many valuable places for visit. Adams peak, sabaragamuwa maha samandhewalaya, Sinha raja rain forest, Bata dhobalena, Bata thotalena, Bopath ella, Pothgulwiharaya, punchi dhabadhiwa are some of most famous places are situated in Ratnapura. Most local and foreign peoples are normally come for visit that places.

Ratnapura has many famous government schools.fergusion high school, Sumana balika and Ratnapura convent are famous girls school in Ratnapura.sumana balika vidyalaya is one and only Buddhist girls school in Ratnapura. Sivali central college,allosius college are another main schools located in rathnapura.World first pry minister sirimavo R.D Bandaranayke and also famous actor Joe abewicrama was born in Ratnapura.Tea,Paddy and Rubber industries are main industries in Ratnapura area. Kalu gaga is major river flow along the Ratnapura town. Every month in the year, Ratnapura people always face for some time they had face heavy floods.

People who are live in Ratnapura area, they always believe about god of people normally go saman dhevalaya and pray for their wishes, normally September in each year basnayaka nilame and other people organized samandevala is very colourful,famous and sacred religion ceremony. That perahara has five night perahara and one “diyakapana perahara”."maha baba"is identity for ratnapura maha samandevala perahara.And also they have another main is called”sripada waraya”.it is normally start at December in each year. And it is finish may in each year. We can arrive to Adams peak from main three ways. Those are Ratnapura road, kuruwita Erathna road and Hatton road. Without Hatton road other two major roads are start from Ratnapura district. All the major rivers are start from the Adams peak.

Ratnapura city has more valuable places.So we can provide well tourism industry around the Ratnapura we should protect those natural heritage and we should plan Ratnapura as a more comfortable and planning town. For it we should develop road network, hotel industry, parks, and other infrastructures.Ratnapura town can get a big value from good town planning.