Monday, November 2, 2015


Personality is most valuable character for each and every person in the world. But we can’t see huge personality from each and every person in our society. my opinion is every body has personality but people don’t know about their own personalities. But every person has not same type of personality. It is change with a people. Personality is identity for every person. It is not only people’s appearance, not only people’s life style, walking style, talking style, or dressing style. But those qualities are can be parts of the personality.

We can see most famous huge personalities in the world. For example Mahatma Gandhi, Thomas Alva Edison, Abraham Lincoln, Mother Theresa….etc.But those peoples haven’t same characteristics. Those peoples are different from another major character. They have special identity about their life. We can get lot of motivations from their life. But not suitable to try for be a those persons. If we try to be a those person we can be a successful life. But we can’t make a new huge personality for us like those famous people.
We should make new personality. We should try to make good personality more than them. We can’t tell this person has good personality but that person has not good personality like vice. Because everybody has good personality. But it hidden inside of the person from different variations. When we deal with world every time we want good personality. If we haven’t good personality we become as a failure. Some times we do lot of mistakes in our life. But we should not worry about our mistakes. We can remake our mistakes and we can face for the future well more than fast. We have to face lot of difficulties in our life, some times it may be economics problems, some times it may be education problems, some times it may be family problem or social problem, some times we have feel, we are alone in this society, others are laughing to me others are excellent more than me. Normally we have feel like this negative ideas about us. Those are not good for our personality. We should remove other’s words and their behaviors. we should have good mind and ambition about our life. And we should work hardly for success our dream. Time management, well planning, self confidence, self motivation and positive thinking are most important keys for develop our own personality.

We can be a failure easily, but not easy for be a winner. For that we should work hardly. As a planner we should work with each and every position in society. If any body have good personality he or she have automatically respect and good level in the we also should try to make good personality.We should think about us,Have good personality for me....?

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