Wednesday, October 7, 2015


I have some kind of problems. What are the our needs? How we success those needs, from where we success those needs? For those questions i think about us little bit. We have lot of needs. And others also have several needs. They want success those needs easily and people try to gather to proper place for get their needs. Town, cities are most suitable places for people to get their needs. Because in the city, we can find many facilities in the small area. It is big easy for any i think town planners should build cities for people.
                                           Before we plan a city we should think about people's wants. And after that we should plan a city for success people's wants. First, if we considered about people's wants, people want to buy several foods, cloths and lots of things, people want to give well education for their children. People want to take medicine for their illnesses. They want to search good job opportunities, some people want to build their residential areas very closely with those facilities. Some people want to spend their leisure time freely. For it they want a better place.and for lovers also want free and calm place for share their feelings. And also for guy want play grounds, swimming pools, for their activities. For foreigners want hotels with proper facilities, those are some kind of main wants of people. After we identify those wants, we should plan suitable construction for success their wants. Not only those wants, we should understand about their feelings and about their habits. Some people likes their places too much. Sometimes they have very law facilities, but they don’t like leave from those places. Because they normally adapted their they like live their own places with their own is a nature.
When we think about a city, suddenly we have an idea about city people, city people have lot of money, they have comfortable vehicles,they have comfortable houses, all the children who are live in city are go to high schools. We have like this beautiful images about city people. But is that imaging is true? Answer is the city, we can find peoples, who are live in different level and different the city we can see lot of poor people. We can see lot of slums. Lot of children haven’t a chance to go we should understand about people’s wants and also culture and positions of those different people .after understand those situation and we should plan our cities for peoples without destroying their familiar places. We can develop their wants without damage their places.
                                                                           We plan towns for peoples. Specially we should plan cities for success peoples’ should be with well facilities and also it should have well appearance .because we design our cities for should give mentally well and happiness for people. Peoples are different. They have different characters, likes and dislikes. After we think those all things we should plan best city for people. If people interest about city and if it can success people’s wants after the built it, it is the planner’s success.  


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