Wednesday, October 14, 2015


We have a task to find a information about pollution of bolgoda lake. so as a group we search sources for success that task. We had some research article about bolgoda lake. We read those article and get some basic idea about surrounding of bolgoda lake, valuable of bolgoda lake, pollution of bolgoda lake. After that we went to that area for get real experience about that problem.

Date is 13/10/2015.we start our field visit from university premises. We went around the university with our senior lecture call " K.D sir". sir gave more idea to us about the bolgoda lake. When we talk about bolgoda lake we consider about surface water pollution. When we walk around the university we saw university drainage system also combined with bolgoda lake. Some areas we can saw some land filing .it is very big trouble for normal natural hydrological system. After that we went along the Bandaranayke street. From that we could take lot of experiences and also lot of information about that problem. First we talked with normal person who are fish seller. We asked some question from him. But at that time he said, villagers are not pollute this water resources. Now every time police men do their duties in this area both day and night. So anybody can't pollute those area. But at that time also we saw they clean knife and some bodes use for cut fishes, those water also run to the bolgoda lake. after that we went to siri wajiraramaya and talk with chief  monk.that monk said people too much pollute this lake. They built small houses base of bolgoda lake. Government put some regulations for protect those lake. police department also give their help for protect this resources. Many houses which are built on the lake base, those are built by the lands filling. But monk of siri wajiraramaya said that temple is built on the no any threat to bolgoda lake from this temple. monk of the temple invite to us come and discuss about that problem further.

When we leave that temple time is nearly 7.00p.m.after that we came again to university side. At that time we could saw lot of garbage bags through out to base of bolgoda  lake. We took those photo graphs. After that we went to talk with police men who are try to protect this lake. they gave lot of information about that problem.and also they told what are the actions and regulations take for peoples who are pollute this area. And also they invite to us for go visit along this bolgoda river and get real experience about this pollution.

However from this field visit,i can understand about pollution of this area. Some natural plant became as a main threat for this lake. Reason is evaporation for it. Furniture industry also put some un necessary things to this lake. However now this lake is badly polluted with human activities think this is very valuable resource in sri lanka.we should protect it for future generation. 

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