Monday, October 12, 2015


First we should think about what is a city. With my ideas, I’m think city is a place which people can take several services and they can success their lots of needs. Cities are should make for cities should make for success their activities. And also it should be attractive place for each and every people. If it be good and attractive place to everyone, it will become a good city. City should be valuable,attractive and plan very well. Cities are use different kind of before make a city  we should understand about all kinds of peoples characters,their behaviors,different societies and also their needs and their likes and dislikes.

When we make a city first we should make a peoples happy and suitable life and also their living places. But it should not be a comfortable should be a suitable place. We can’t remove all slums and we can’t give flats or comfortable place to every person. Because peoples like to their acquainted places. They can’t leave from their houses. They know their places are not more comfortable. But they like their we should develop their life styles and their facilities, without remove their houses. And we should develop good markets, shopping centers, comfortable hotels, well road network……

We can divide cities to main categories. For that we can understand main services and we can categories those services under several main points. As a example we can considered about educational 
places,health services,religion places,government offices,residential places,hotel area, we should make markets, fairs for normal people. mainly we should make sanitary facilities for each people. When we build a city we should think about how it effect to global environment warming. And also we try to protect environmental resources and we can use those resource as a part of our planning city.

lessire park area… people can easily understand about their need and they can easily move for get their needs. They know where they should go for success their needs. And also city want comfortable places and also normal places. Reason for it, city area we can see different kind of people and different kind of we should make places for rich people and also poor people and normal people. As a example, people want bring some for that we can make super markets for rich people and also

always we should understand about cities making for a people. And we try to develop peoples life as their wish. We can't remove any thing suddenly. We should do everything step by step. Because people can't adapt to anything suddenly. But little by little they can change for those changes. So i think as a planner first we should understand about people's needs and their dislikes and likes, after that we should plan proper city for everyone.

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