Saturday, October 3, 2015


Not only me or you live in this world.lot of peoples are gather around is nature.we can't live with out this society.society is normally different type of group of this society we have meet lot of peoples.those are not same.those are have different kind of  features.but we can't reject any one.because every person in this world are too valuable to us.any day,any time they will want to us in future.peoples who are live in our society we can put them under the two category.those are not only mental features,and also we can considered about peoples position and physical features.

when we waiting for bus we can see different kind of peoples go here and their.when we take a bus,inside of bus also can see different kind of people.some are very kind,some are got angry unnecessary,some are very serious every time,some are funny,some are very pretty always,some are smile with others always,some are very friendly,some are very cruel,some are very cunning.i think society around us has multi feature people.i think they give different colors to do colorful our society.

not only considered about those inside features.we should think about position of this people who are live in this society.some people are in very high class society.normally they don't like to connect with other people,who are in other law class position.people can't go to high class easily.peoples have lot of barriers to go head.peoples who are live in high class,they always try to connect with  only their class a example if they have any function,they never invite to law class people.they try to invite only their class position.because they like to sit lunch or dinner,only with their class members.not only high class members,law class members and middle class members also too proud about their society.they also don't like to connect with high class society.because they also like to be with their personality.they have their personality till they be with their position they always try to respect their own position. rarely some people go head and go high position. but if he or she go to the head,she or he never tell about him or her previous back ground.normally it is a nature.

during some period,government try to build comfortable homes to every people and try to remove slums and small houses. because they thought those slums and small houses are give bad appearance to town.but how much they try to do it people who are live in those slums,they are like to live their slums.those are not more comfortable houses.but they like their places.they don't like to be change.they can't bear up their suddenly we can't easily understand about this nature.

as a planner we should think about our society and our back ground.every people and every back ground are useful to when we go to do any project,we should think about our society and we should protect all the is our response.we will do it in future well........


  1. I like your post.actually society is very different place.we should be change according to the society.Firstly we should change people's mental.After we can move with the society.Some people don't like change.but we should understand about society.
    Your post very important for understand the society.good luck yashoodha.!!!

  2. I like your post.actually society is very different place.we should be change according to the society.Firstly we should change people's mental.After we can move with the society.Some people don't like change.but we should understand about society.
    Your post very important for understand the society.good luck yashoodha.!!!

  3. thanks yogya.your ideas very important to me

  4. thanks yogya.your ideas very important to me
